SilverStar Certification (Digital)

With the help of the Digital Academy, you have already completed the next step of the training - BlackStar Step 2 - and used the videos to learn many new techniques, create creative looks and train for SilverStar certification.

Now it's time to sign up for SilverStar certification here.

  • Short review and clarification of open questions with the calligraphy cut Trainer
  • Cutting of two looks with BlackStar and SilverStar techniques
  • Free exchange of the black calligrapher for the silver one

Here's what you need:

For the approx. 3 hour certification you will need:

  • the calligraphy pen
  • A practice head
  • the tripod from the StarterBox
  • sufficient blades and hair products
  • your personal tools (hair dryer, cape etc.)
  • a charging cable for your mobile phone/laptop
Sale price£0.00


BlackStar Certification Seminar

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